Last updated at 2023-09-29

React Memo Quick Guide

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Sep 29, 2023 07:25 AM
Sep 29, 2023
React Memo is a powerful optimization technique in React that allows you to memoize functional components.
It helps improve the performance of your React application by preventing unnecessary re-renders of components.
In this article, we will explore the basics of React Memo and how to use it effectively.

What is React Memo?

React Memo is a Higher-Order Component (HOC) provided by React that allows you to memoize functional components.
It is similar to React's React.PureComponent for class components but works with functional components instead.
By wrapping a functional component with React.memo(), you can prevent unnecessary re-renders of the component.
It does a shallow comparison of the component's props, and if the props are the same as the previous render, it skips the re-rendering process.

Why Use React Memo?

When a component receives new props, React re-renders it by default. However, if the new props are the same as the previous props, re-rendering is unnecessary and can impact performance, especially for complex components.
React Memo solves this problem by memoizing the component. It caches the result of the component's render and only re-renders when the props change.
This can significantly improve the performance of your application, especially when dealing with large datasets or frequently updating components.

How to Use React Memo

To use React Memo, wrap your functional component with the React.memo() HOC.
For example:
import React from 'react'; const MyComponent = React.memo((props) => { // Component logic here }); export default MyComponent;
By default, React.memo() performs a shallow comparison of the props.
If the props are the same as the previous render, the component is not re-rendered.

Custom Comparison Function

If you need more control over how React Memo compares props, you can provide a custom comparison function as the second argument to React.memo().
This function receives the previous props and the new props and should return true if the props are considered equal.
import React from 'react'; const areEqual = (prevProps, nextProps) => { // Custom comparison logic here }; const MyComponent = React.memo((props) => { // Component logic here }, areEqual); export default MyComponent;


React Memo is a powerful optimization tool in React that allows you to improve the performance of your application by memoizing functional components.
By preventing unnecessary re-renders, you can reduce the computational overhead and provide a smoother user experience.
Remember to use React Memo selectively on components that have expensive rendering logic or frequently update props.
It's a great tool to have in your React toolbox, but like any optimization technique, it should be used judiciously.
Happy memoizing!

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