Last updated at 2023-10-27

NuxtJS Create Apollo GraphQL Endpoint

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Oct 27, 2023 07:21 AM
Oct 27, 2023
In this article, we will learn how to create an Apollo GraphQL endpoint in a Nuxt.js application.
Apollo GraphQL is a powerful tool that allows us to build efficient and flexible APIs by defining a schema and resolvers.
To get started, make sure you have basic knowledge of Nuxt.js and Apollo GraphQL.
If you need a refresher, you can refer to the official documentation for Nuxt.js and Apollo GraphQL.

Setting up the Nuxt.js Project

Before we can create the Apollo GraphQL endpoint, we need to set up a Nuxt.js project.
If you already have a Nuxt.js project, you can skip this step.
Otherwise, follow the steps below:
  1. Install the Vue CLI globally by running the following command:
npm install -g @vue/cli
  1. Create a new Nuxt.js project by running the following command:
vue create my-nuxt-project
  1. Select the default preset or choose the features you need for your project.
  1. Navigate into the project directory:
cd my-nuxt-project
  1. Install the necessary dependencies for Apollo GraphQL:
npm install @nuxtjs/apollo graphql apollo-server-express

Creating the Apollo GraphQL Endpoint

Now that we have our Nuxt.js project set up, let's create the Apollo GraphQL endpoint.
Create a new directory called graphql in the root of your Nuxt.js project:
mkdir graphql
Inside the graphql directory, create a new file called schema.gql. This file will contain our GraphQL schema definition.
Add the following code to define a simple schema:
type Query { hello: String }
Next, create a new file called resolvers.js inside the graphql directory. This file will contain our resolvers for the GraphQL queries. Add the following code:
const resolvers = { Query: { hello: () => 'Hello, world!' } } module.exports = resolvers;
Now, let's create the Apollo server in Nuxt.js.
Open the nuxt.config.js file in the root of your project and add the following code:
const { ApolloServer } = require('apollo-server-express'); const express = require('express'); const schema = require('./graphql/schema.gql'); const resolvers = require('./graphql/resolvers'); export default { // ... serverMiddleware: [ express.json(), { path: '/api', handler: ApolloServer.createHandler({ path: '/api', schema, resolvers, }), }, ], // ... }
Finally, start the Nuxt.js development server:
npm run dev
Now, you have successfully created an Apollo GraphQL endpoint in your Nuxt.js application.
You can test the endpoint by visiting http://localhost:3000/api in your browser.


In this article, we have learned how to create an Apollo GraphQL endpoint in a Nuxt.js application.
We set up the Nuxt.js project, created the GraphQL schema and resolvers, and integrated the Apollo server into the Nuxt.js server middleware.
Feel free to explore further by adding more complex schemas and resolvers to build powerful APIs with Apollo GraphQL and Nuxt.js.


I hope you found this article helpful. Happy coding!

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